How do I buy an Andrea & Leo dress?

To locate the nearest Andrea & Leo retailer, please visit our Store Locator page and enter your zip code or city. If you have a particular style in mind, we recommend contacting the store in advance and requesting to reserve the gown.


Can I buy an Andrea & Leo dress online?

We have excellent retailers who offer convenient e-commerce options for purchasing Andrea & Leo products online. To access their websites, please refer to our Online Stores page.


How do I return an Andrea & Leo dress?

The return policies of our retailers may differ. For detailed information regarding the return policy of the store where you purchased your dress, kindly get in touch with them directly.


How do I find out the price of an Andrea & Leo dress?

The pricing of Andrea & Leo dresses can vary based on shipping and ordering factors. To obtain the exact price of a dress, please visit our Find A Store page, locate the nearest retailer, and contact them with the style number of the dress, and they will be able to provide you with the price.